Things to Read (Red Pill Redemption 2)

If men are to reclaim our culture for Christ and family, we would do well to find the best of what has gone before. One of the most important things we can do is read great books of men who have come before and learn from them what it is to truly be men, the kind of men God would have us to be as well as the kind of men to whom women naturally wish to submit and follow. So I suggest here a partial reading list, which is only a beginning, and welcome suggestions for additions.

  1. The Holy Bible, King James Version. If nothing else, any man who wishes to redeem the times must read this. Simply to read it is not enough, however. Passages, even extended passages, whole psalms and various lessons on doctrines should be committed to memory. Additionally, we should pray for wisdom as we read, knowing that the devil was able to quote scripture, albeit with misapplication and evil intent. Paul tells us to study to show ourselves workmen approved unto God, while James reminds us that if we pray for wisdom God will give abundantly above all that we ask. Both men were inspired by the Holy Spirit, thus study for knowledge and prayer for wisdom are both necessary aspects of our growth. This is the sword with which we reclaim lost souls from the enemy
  2. The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors, by James D. Hornfischer. Outside of scripture, I have never read a book which so eloquently and vividly portrays the masculine virtues. Courage, honor, love of country, discipline, fortitude and an indomitable will to persevere against impossible odds, all in a true story. The scene where pilot “Blue” Archer flies across the top of a Japanese battleship, with his plane inverted and canopy open, firing at the bridge with a .38 revolver because his bombs and machine guns have all been emptied is worth the read alone, yet it is only one small segment. To see what we once were, what we have lost and to imagine how we might yet regain it makes this book a must read.
  3. Death in the Long Grass, by Peter Hathaway Capstick. A riotously entertaining and allegedly true account of the adventures of an itinerant big game hunter, guide, game ranger and magazine writer as he tries to find a way to get himself killed by virtually every living terrestrial critter on the face of the planet. Men being men, doing manly things together, not for money or power, but just for the sheer joy of testing themselves against their physical and mental limits is Capstick’s stock in trade. Yet it is not simply a bloody minded need to kill; Capstick lived by a code of honor both towards his camp followers, his clients and the animals he hunted. No fictional short story you will ever read is as chilling yet melancholy as The Killer Baboons of Vlakfontein, although I am not sure if that appears in the first of the “Death” books or one of the later entries. Read them all, then explain to me why you don’t have a few firearms and a hunting license.
  4. Meditations on Violence and Facing Violence by Rory Miller. If you are going to be a leader you must also be a protector, and these two books are indispensable to understanding how predators see you and how you should see them. Miller’s resume is nearly unrivaled when it comes to hands on dealing with society’s scum, and the lessons he learned from decades of training and fighting could mean the difference between life, death and prison for a man who has to protect himself and his family.
  5. The Last Guardian of Everness and Mists of Everness by John C. Wright. Wright reminds us of our own American mythology with its unique heroes. It’s high fantasy set in the modern age, a return of the age of heroes and monsters. Wright has much to say about the nature of heroes and how even the most ordinary of men can make a difference for good. As a bonus, the corruption of law enforcement by demonic impersonators (who are then brought to heel by a military still loyal to the republic) seems prescient today.
  6. The Wizard Knight by Gene Wolfe. There is no true heroism without suffering, as Sir Abel learns many times. But he perseveres, and discovers that though he is betrayed by those he serves and cruelly tormented love and faith can bring him victory. Since we are discussing redemption this work is especially important, as Abel’s loyalty and honor allow him to redeem even evil rulers who betrayed him as well as the elven princess he loves. Abel is not alone in this, in the books we encounter various characters who endure great suffering and hardship for the sake of honor and love, and with Abel’s assistance they are redeemed (sometimes in the literal sense of the original word) from terrible suffering and redeem others as well.

Okay, I think I’ll leave off there for now. More later, Lord willing.

Evil is ascendant. It will not last….

The links must flow….

The Dirty Baker’s Dozen…..

Against post-modernism…

Don’t be attached to material things…

More good fiction for free….

Matt’s advice column…


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4 responses to “Things to Read (Red Pill Redemption 2)

  1. professorGBFMtm

    I love this post BUT something GREAT is missing!
    Do you want THE list ORKA!?
    From THE MAN in DaMANosphere too!?
    ‘Great Books For Men GreatBooksForMen GBFM (TM) GB4M (TM) GR8BOOKS4MEN (TM) lzozozozozlzo (TM)
    May 17, 2013 at 10:31 am
    what abo0ut da GRETA BOOKS FOR MENZZ!?? zllzozozo
    The renaissance hath begun.
    As Athena called Telemachus to adventure–to sail forth and learn the news of His True Father Odysseus, so too does GBFM call upon ye to man up, sail forth, and learn the news of your true Fathers.
    Like Hamlet you came of age in a world where your father–THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN–had been murdered. Where they had been debauched, debased, bernenekfified out of the fiat-debt curriculum. And just as Hamlet’s Father called upon Him to Avenge his Death and Set the World Right, so too do I call upon all of ye buton-mashing gamersz and manboob betasz churchians to Man Up and Honor Your True Fathers.
    Like Odysseus’s son Telemachus you came of age in a house occupied by false suitors trying to buttehxt your mom Penelope alongside your future wife, deosuling her faster than Bill Bennett can gamble away a million dollars in Vegas. You came of age in a home absent of your true Father–Odysseus and THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN.
    Like Telemachus and Hamlet, you were born to know of your Fathers and do the work of your Fathers, as did Jesus. And like Jesus, you were born into a fallen world occupied by arrogant neeoconth Scribes and Pharisees, lorded over by intellectually-indifferent Pontius Pilates, ruled by mobs (and female prison wardensz lzozlz) who vote to set the murderer free, while sending Jesus to die upon the Cross.
    But all of that was then, and This is Now.
    Do not fail to Honor your Fathers by neglecting to live for the Classical, Epic Honor that so many of them not only Lived for, but Died For.
    Do not turn away from the vast Gifts they bequeathed you with–THE GREAT BOOKS AND CLASSICS.
    Begin today, begin today, all ye fanboyz mashing buttonz in your single-mom’s basements, all you PUA artsitsz trying to get your occkas wet in sterile bungholez and sterilized ginaholez made sterile by the fed’s before and morning after pillz. Begin today, all my fatherless, ritalin-addicted, gold-farming sons and READ the GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN.
    Learn of the HONOR of your FATHERS form Achilles and Moses on down. The tiny-cckcoaaks white-knighting Churchians will scowl and stamp their feet and scream at you that Jesus cam to Abolish the Law, while Jesus himself stated that He came to Fulfill it.
    When you were a child ye partook in childish things–in mashing buttons in your meaningless videogamez.
    But now that you are a Man, it is time to Man Up, which does not mean marrying a babebrnekified beenrnakified butethxted, desouled, single monz, but reading THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN.
    Begin today my firendz. BEGIINZ TODAYZ.
    I propose that a renaissance in the Great Books and Classics is needed so as to re-instill a more traditional Code of Honor which will enrich the lives of men, women, and children, and liberate us all from the debt-financed debauchery, deconstruction, and debasement.
    All men should begin immediately by reading the following books which the central bankers and their fellow churchians hate, fear, and detest:
    0. THE BIBLE
    1. Homer’s Iliad
    2. Homer’s Odyssey
    3. Exodus & Ecclesiastes & The Psalms
    4. Virgil’s Aeneid
    5. Socrates’ Apology
    6. The Book of Matthew & Jefferson’s Bible
    7. Plato’s Repulic
    8. Seneca’s Letters from a Stoic
    9. Aristotle’s Poetics
    10. Dante’s Inferno
    11. The Declaration of Independence
    12. The Constitution
    13. John Milton’s Paradise Lost
    14. Shakespeare’s Hamlet
    15. Newton’s Principia
    16. Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations and Theory of Moral Sentiments
    17. Henry David Thoreau’s Walden
    18. Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn (& all of his work)
    19. Shakespeare’s Hamlet
    20. Ludwig von Mises’ A Theory of Money and Credit
    21. F.A. Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom
    22. Herman Melville’s Moby Dick
    23. Einstein’s The Meaning of Relativity
    24. Joseph Campbell’s The Hero With a Thousand Faces and The Power of Myth
    25. Ron Paul’s Revolution & End the Fed
    26. THE BIBLE
    And as men are reading the Great Books for Men, they must start enacting their principles in the living world, so as to exalt our legal system and universities, for it is not enough to think and read, but virtue is ultimately defined by *action*’
    P.S.I was just talking to our old friend DEREK RAMSEY about the ‘virtue is defined by action’ part above last week too.
    SEE how the most ARSE commenter-blogger ever does it, dude!?

    • Hey Prof,
      Figured you jump on this one in a hurry. Your list is great, except for Plato, who was a lunatic. I also think Walden and Jefferson’s Bible are overrated, but maybe that’s just me. In all fairness, I link my Bible intact, not parsed down to some man’s personal taste (Jefferson). Have you by any chance checked out Anthony Esolen’s translation of Dante? If not, I highly recommend it.

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